Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hazelnuts in Flourless Cake

hazelnut in flourless cake

So, here we are already in the middle of December! There are some baking I feel an urge to write about, before the year has ended. An overdue post actually, oh no...

There was time when I like to enjoy chocolate in grown up way, yeah bittersweet chocolate, it's sweet but not-too-sweet. Presented in a rich moist cake with excellent chocolate flavor! and it's gluten-free!

One of easy recipe to make, I recommend making day before since there was quite a bit of prep, baking, and cooling time. The original recipe was Flourless chocolate & pear cake, from Good Food magazine. I was not in the mood for pear in the cake,which I simply don’t have. I'm more into sour cream.

caketakerhazelnutsflourless hazelnuts cake

The amount of all ingredients are in 85 g, the fact that I found only 100g of hazelnuts left on the jar, didn't want leave 15g for nothing, I rounded all ingredients into 100g. The recipe I wrote here only all ingredients I used on the cake. You can view the original recipe in here.

slice it

Hazelnuts in Flourless Cake

original recipe taken from Good Food magazine, November 2008

* 100g butter , plus 1 tbsp extra for tin
* 100g golden caster sugar , plus extra for tin
* 100g dark chocolate , broken into pieces
* 1tbs pure apple juice
* 4 eggs , separated
* 100g hazelnuts , toasted and ground in a food processor
* 200 ml sour cream
* 2 tbs sugar
* grated chocolate

1. Cut a circle of baking parchment to fit the base of a 23cm loose-bottomed tin. Melt 1 tbsp butter and brush the inside of the tin, then line the base with the parchment and brush again with more butter. Spoon in 2 tbsp caster sugar, swirl it around to coat the base and sides, then tip out any excess.
2. Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water, remove from the heat, stir in the apple juice and leave to cool. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar in a large bowl until pale and thick; fold into the chocolate with the hazelnuts.
3. In a separate bowl, with a clean whisk (I used electric mixer), beat the whites until they reach a soft peak (try not to whisk them too stiffly or you'll have trouble folding them in). Stir a spoonful of the whites into the chocolate mix, then carefully fold in the rest of them in 2 additions. Spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 40 mins until cake is cooked all the way through. Leave to cool in the tin slightly before releasing it, then place on a rack to cool completely.

Combine sour cream and sugar. Spread over the cake right to the edges, cover loosely with foil and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Topped with grated chocolate before served.

for you


  1. Ritaaaaaaa... lagi iseng mampir, eh menyesal...
    abis cuma disuguhin foto doang, aslinya maneeeeeee :))
    kayaknya kudu dicoba nih... makasih ya udah sharing

  2. aduuuh..nyembaaaaah...deh .. itu kue cantik niaaan... kebayang enak nya mak..

  3. doyannnnnn...hihihi, mestinya dibagi dwong dakuhh..:P

  4. Hi Rita, pa kabar??
    lovely soft lighting foto na. tumpah meruah natural light yah Rit. disini salju yg lagi narcis qiqiiqiqi.

  5. ugh....keliatannya asoy banget. kalo pake pear, emangnya pearnya dihancurin gitu Rit?

  6. mbak Ritaaaa,,, aku mau sepotong cakenya, adududududu... fotonya, lovely bangets !

  7. gelem rit gelemmmmm flourless ya...durung tau njajal, ngko njajal ahhh

  8. buk nangdi ae sampeyan iku, kok ra ono kabare?! Muncul-muncul kok dah menghidangkan makanan enak. Yu..klo hazelnut diganti almond dan sour cream diganti yogurt, rasanya bergeser jauh gak? Sampeyan kan ahli modip:)

  9. ayu tenan iki foto2ne! Pa kabar mak, gue menghilang nih dari dunia maya :D

  10. Mpok, akhirnya setelah 9 hari ngidam (tanpa hamil), gue bikin cake ini juga. Udah di-posting juga. Thanks a lot ya darling... enak banget.

  11. Hai... lagi mampir.... numpang nyontek resepnya yaah.. Cheers, fiona

  12. ampuuuuon, celanaku jadi kekecilan abis maem kue ini! ampe ga kepikir njepret ato kepengen posting X_X

  13. Akhirnya Rit...aku mampir juga, itu cake moist bgt...minta se iris ya rit, ok wish u all the best.

  14. mauuuu...ngiler niiihh...mbak invite FBnya udah aku terima. Tapi aku blm kepingin bikin acoount di FB. suami yg punya account di FB. Makasih yaa mbak udah diinvite.

  15. salam kenal Mbak Rita, thank you for sharing this recipe, I'm on the way making this cake, I will post it later.


^.^ hi...