Sometimes ago (or long-long ago to be exact), I've been tagged by Arfi about my ten best photographs.
I must say, It's not me to judge whether they are good shots or not. So I picked the top 5 favorited pictures by Flickr'ites and another 5 picked by me, to be fair I don't include bento pictures, as sometime they don't save them as favorite because of the picture itself, but they tend to keep them for bento's design or menu. So... here we go...
To keep this tag going, I tag some of you too...
come on gals... show me yours ^___^:........
Lia Christie
foto2 kamu mah selalu sippp deh ritz....kerennn!!!!
ReplyDeleteyaw..... emang selalu keren kok foto2 mu. Source of inspiration!
ReplyDeletengerjain prnya Rita, nti aja yah kalau pas lagi mood bloggingnya kambuh qiqiqii. but promise deh bakalan dikerjain pr mu.
Halo mbak Rita, salam kenal.. nama saya Widya (,
ReplyDeleteduh.. foto2nya cantik2 betul,, bikin iri..
Kalau boleh tau mbak Rita pake kamera apa? trus tehniknya gimana? Sori mbak, masih pemula nih..
Rita.........ikutan foodie photography yuk buat celebrate 17 agustus. hayoh ikutan biar seru yah. add nya ada di blog ku.
ReplyDeleteoh boy.. all so nice! u r so good at it.
ReplyDeleteRita: thanks Rit....*kembang kempis idung*
ReplyDeleteDwiana: Iya dwi klo ada waktu, you are my inspiration back heheh.... aku banyak belajar dari diko
Widya cancan: wid aku juga masih belajar kok... klo kamu bener-bener tertarik email aku ya
ihhh... mbak fotone keren...*selaluterkagumkadumdeh*
ReplyDeletegimana caranya ya biar kayak mbak Rita*mikir keras hehehe*
Mbak Ritaaa...maap baru nongol nih. Ntar pr-nya aku kerjain secepatnya ya. Masih gak mood banget berlama-lama di inet :(.
ReplyDeleteMbak Rita, pe-ernya udah aku kerjain ya. Sekarang aku tinggal ngerjain pe-er dari KBB :D.
ReplyDeleteOh what stunning photographs! You have also just reminded me that I was meant to do this meme ages and ages ago and forgot...