Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kering Tempeh with Peanuts

kering tempeh with peanuts

Kering Tempeh is Indonesian dish commonly served with rice, yellow rice or nasi uduk (rice cooked in coconut milk and some spice paste). Some recipes call for bay leave, preferable asian bay leave which is wider. For me I like more with kaffir lime leaves (kieffer lime) in place of bay leave. Kaffir lime leave is commonly used in Indonesian recipe, it has a clean sharp citrus flavor and aroma. That's what I want it in this dish: sweet sour with a hint of citrus.

Kering Tempeh with Peanuts
300 g tempeh, thinly sliced
100 g raw peanuts, fry
oil for deep-frying

2 Tbs oil

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 medium red onion (or 4 shallots), thinly sliced
3 chillies, seeded and sliced
1 cm galangal, bruised
3 kaffier lime leaves

3 tbs brown sugar (with measuring spoon)

salt to taste

1 tsp tamarind paste diluted with
2 tbs water
(I used measuring spoon)

deep-fry tempeh and peanut separately until golden brown.

In a fry pan heat 3 tbs of oil add garlics and shallots for a few minutes until it fragrances and change color . Then add chillies, galanggal, kaffier leaves, sugar, salt and tamarind juice. Turn the heat low, continue until it get thickens about 3 minutes.
Add tempeh and peanut together and mix well.
Remove the galangal before serve.

Vanessa... I hope this is recipe you're looking for ^______^ good luck !!


  1. kesukaan ku nih hehehehe senenggg banget ma kering tempe...apalagi yg basah basah basah...mandi maduuu (eh salah mandi gula jawa ding) hehehe

  2. jodoh nih, aku bikin kering kentang :P

  3. Kalo aku seneng pake tambah teri, tapi tempe susah nyari, teri juga susah...hiks:(
    great pictures as always :)

  4. Rit, siap2 buka pintu yah. aku bawa nasi panas... lauknya mau minta! qiqiqii

  5. aku msh punya kering tempe ini tp tanpa kacang :P beli di Blanda setengah kg... tak irit-2 ben ra cpt abis..disayang-sayang....

    tempe diapain aja mah weeeeennnaaaaaaaakkkk.. TEMPE is de BEST

  6. Aduh ibu Rita....tempe kok jadi keliatan cantik ya kalau diolah tangan dirimu....fotonya cantik n kayaknya yummy tuh jadi pengen bikin juga, soalnya udah lama nggak bikin.

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  8. We'd like to invite you to participate in our July berry recipe contest. All competitors will be placed on our blogroll, and the winner will receive a fun prize! Please email me, sophiekiblogger@gmail.com, if you're interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details. (Click on my name in the message header link to visit our blog. :)

  9. Mba, apa yg terjadi dgn blog ini? Kok ga muncul semuanya? Side bar juga ga ada? Kcuali kalo di klik per postingan? Bener bgitu ga temen2 yg lain?

    Anyway foto2mu selalu enak diliat Mba. Syukaaa dehh..

  10. Rita, salam kenal.. kering tempe nya menggugah selera..

  11. aku jg sukanya pake daun jeruk, diiris tipis2.

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^.^ hi...