Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black Beans, Loaded with Antioxidants


Research published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry indicates that black beans are as rich in antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins as grapes and cranberries, fruits long considered antioxidant superstars.
When researchers analyzed different types of beans, they found that, the darker the bean's seed coat, the higher its level of antioxidant activity. Gram for gram, black beans were found to have the most antioxidant activity, followed in descending order by red, brown, yellow, and white beans.
Overall, the level of antioxidants found in black beans in this study is approximately 10 times that found in an equivalent amount of oranges, and comparable to that found in an equivalent amount of grapes or cranberries.
Taken from

This picture below is my entry to Click Event: Beans and Lentils hosted by Bee and Jai.

spoonful of blackbeans
Click ....!!!!


  1. Hi! goes fodie ;)Top deh...

  2. paduan item, coklat, cakep. sendoknya itu loh..menggoda pengen diminta ;)) suka banget sama ide di foto yg pertama

  3. daphne : thanks Daph !

    Zita : wekekekekkk

    Dwi: siapa ?

    Margarets : warm....

    mindy : itulah ndoel gak pakek ide, pas mo moto tau-tau tangan kiri dah masukin kesitu, nitip bawain heheheheh...

  4. satu kata aja ya: KeReeennnn fotonyaaaa.......TeOpE deehh....

  5. Rita, komen gw diatas dihapus donk. lah gw ninggalin pesan sambil ngantuk gitu kok malah email gw yg nongol bukan ide gw. di hapus aja deh Rit.

    Ini komen gw yg baru huahahhaa.
    Itu canon tutupnya nanggur bu? bawa sini coba tutup canon gw hilang entah kemana qiqiiqiqi. ttg Foto?? no comment deh saking caemnya!

    btw, do you know kalau gw buka blog lo. selalu munculpop up nya. padahal udah gw block. cuma blog lo doank nih yg lainnya enggak. keknya ada iklan yg nempel di site lo tuh Rit. bisa dibersihin gk?

  6. hi rita picture above is awesome!!

    yg bawah, of course excellente!
    i never know how black beans looks like until me have a look your snaps.


  7. mbak rita : thanks mbak, masih belajar nih

    Dwi : gimana donk dwi ngilangin pop upnya ini, aku juga nyadar diri kok, tapi have no idea what to do.
    tutup canonnya numpang naruh... heheheh.... taunya sma anakku dibenemin sekali, jadi taunya pas masukin beannya ke jar heeeh...

    busylittlebee : huaa... thanks, part of learning hey...thanks for stopping here ya..


^.^ hi...