Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tapioca Puddings

tapioca puds

Made this for dessert last night, I thought the portion was too much, I was wrong...

This is delectable and easy way to end meal,no one left a morsel in their glass. As it fresh and most of all fruity. Cook tapioca pearls in low heat for 25 minutes, turn the heat off and cover with the lid for about 30 minutes that'll cooked them through.

tapioca pudding
Tapioca Pudding
1/2 cup tapioca pearl
1 cup coconut milk
1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt

topping :
1 can jack fruit cut in square
1 pk Nata de coco

Cook tapioca, coconut milk,milk, water, sugar and salt in a heavy medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring, until sugar has dissolved.
Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, then reduce heat to medium-low and gently simmer and stirring constantly, until thickened, keep stirring constantly, until tapioca pearls are translucent, 20 to 25 minutes.

Turn the heat off, cover with the lid and leave tapioca mixture in saucepan for 30 minutes.

Spoon into serving glass and top up with
tropical fruit, including the juice. Leave in the fridge until ready to serve.


  1. belum pernah coba! mau coba kapan-kapan! thanks!

  2. segeeer :)
    btw, fotonya yang satu kok nggak nongol ya

  3. mbak..kok potone sing atas ga ada :D...duhh jadi pengen bikin juga...ngilerrr

  4. loh ga isoh liat potone maneh huhuhuhu "kisah lama" :P

    singkong diapain aja aku sukaaaa

  5. What a fresh and light dessert. Just what I wanted today, Rita.

  6. bravo si ibu ini fotonya menarik tenan. Eh gw suka bikin tapioca puddings tapi gk pernah dikasih buah. ide menarik juga Rit.
    foto#1 gk bisa diliat Rit, koneksi dari flickr kali yah yg ngaco. Tapi gw dah liat foto lo di flickr.

  7. Manyaro : coba dwehh... beda rasanya ama bubur mutiara yg biasanya

    Hani, elsye,dwiana : kesalahan bukan pada monitor anda wakakakk... tapi pada html... yowes sekarang dah mejeng ^__^

    Liaaaaa: adwuhhh... gimandang ya kok bisa di ban ya di sono, jadi foto aye gak bisa nongol, sorry

    Patricia S: Try this, you gonna love this dessert ^___^

  8. I am a FREAK for Nata de Coco~!!! I love it so much! Your blog and all of your photos are amazing!

  9. Waakkss! Ada Nata de coco. Favoritku tuh. Mbak Rita, dapurnya abis direnovasi ya? Headernya keren, mbak.

    Btw, aku kasih Tag buat mbak Rita.

  10. wah nata de coco sini cuma ada yg made in philipin doang.

  11. iya neh aku juga gemar nata de coco, sehat ga sih ya?

  12. YUMMY.....Yummy....
    dessertnya bikin ngiler...:~~~~

  13. Duh keren amat sih fotonya....plok plok plok selalu deh buat Rita.....

  14. 'Lam kenal,

    wah..fresh banget keliatannya, idenya boljug neh pake nata de coco :)

  15. it looks so delicious... even I haven't taste it yet, but my mouth is watering now after saw the pic... so good...

  16. Oh wow! that's so pretty! it must be very refreshing!

  17. Duh mbak Rita, foto2mu makin hari makin bikin aku tergila-gila hehehe... great photos mbak, i' ur big fans...

  18. hi mbak rit, baru nongol lagi nih i
    asoy bener liat tapioca pearls nyum
    di oz bisa nemu nata de coco?

  19. doyan...doyan...hayoh, bagi2...

  20. Lina : thanks for your visit Lina

    Ayin: Klo di Oz indonesia grocery makin lama makin lengkap, kali wong indo akeh seng ngungsi nang rene yo yin heheheh

    Moc. Rita : dulu sempet ada hoax klo bahannya pakek bahan pupuk heheh.... tapi ternyata aku langsung dapet email dari yg tau bidang ini, ternyata enggak.

    Margie : tisuue....*ngulurin tissue*

    Mbak Rita : thanks mbak

    Zita : come again.... *wink...*

    Raphaele bake: thanks el

    Daphne : indeed ^___^

    Shinta: thanks ya shin.... duh kembang kempis nih idungku heheheh....

    Foni : di Oz mah indonesia pindah kali ya heheheh, makanan indonesia banyak

    Ti: hayoh dah kapan ketemu entar aku bikinin ^___^

  21. Eliza : tetanggaan dulu donk hahahah...

  22. first comment : deuuhh,potonya keyeeeeeen-keyeen banget sihh. Apalagi kuningnya tuh, bisaaa ajah nyari bunga buat ngepasin tema-nya.
    second comment : segerrrrr, mau dongs dibikinin *hehe,aku males banget untuk urusan dapur*
    third comment : aku link ya buuuu...:)

  23. rita, aku tagging dikou di sini ya:


^.^ hi...