Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Having Bento With Monkey

Bento with stirfry chicken in blackbean sauce

Having bento with monkey ? Well not real monkey...
Another bento episode ...onigiri shaped in polar bear and monkey. It's still look weird though.. You may notice the bear's eyes were not in a same size.^______^, Don't know what happened.
I was sure I cut them same size the night before. Ooohhh...poor me ^___^. Ears are chicken salami shaped with nozzle tip.

For monkey nose , I was thinking of other stuff than nori, so I put grape skin and it went wrong miserably.

That black stir fry was actually cut fried chicken and stir fry in black bean sauce,... well it's not bad (^____^)


  1. This is strange! you know what mbak, I call my husband polar bear sometimes beruang and he calls me monyet

  2. u kidding ??!! hiahahaha....polar bear en monyet in one box.... I might have six senses qqiqi...ok I dedicated this bento box for both of you ^_^
    say helllo for hubby yeah..

  3. Mampir lg nih....4 hari nggak buka komputer kangen juga. Nice bento rit...

  4. mbak rita, aku jadi keranjingan sama bento neh
    cuma masih hunting alat2nya
    abisan disini rada susah ya?
    ato mbak Rita bisa dapetin gampang di melbourne? kasih tau aku ya...plis

  5. Nia : thanks yah dah rajin mampir kesini xixixi.... smsnya masuk gak seh ?

    Inayah: Selama ini seh aku beli di ebay, barusan weekend kemaren nemu japan grocer, lumayan juga, cuman kurang imut perbentoannya. Tapi not bad lha. Klo di Sydney cuba deh disini:
    Tokyo Mart
    Shop 27, Northbridge Plaza
    79 -113 Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge, Sydney

  6. This is very cute :). I would love to learn how to make cute little lunches like this :D.


^.^ hi...