Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bento With Rolled Noodle

Bento with rolled noodle

Another easy recipe for bento ^___^ rolled instant noodle in the sorj bread, I swapped the spice though. I used oyster sauce, soy sauce, garlic powder, salt, pepper, shredded roast chicken and stir fried a bit. When noodle still hot place noodle in a piece of sorj bread put cooked carrot stick on the center, rolled with the help of sushi mat . On the end of the bread glued with cream cheese, easy rite ??

That crab Frankfurter Sausage shaped using another gadget for bento
^______^ crab sausage cutter.

Came along in this box yogurt and plum

This is also my entry for wholesome lunchbox hosted by Coffee and Vanilla
which is now become a monthly food event. Thanks Margot (^_^)


  1. Hihihi....sosis-nya lucu banget. Kayak kepiting :)

  2. wah roll mie-nya lucu bangetttt....super cute!

  3. Bento-nya juga lucu-lucu nih...xixixi. Sekalian tak link ya mbak, biar lebih kenal-lebih gampang mampir-jadi lebih sayang. :D

  4. maoooo....;D, sama kayak pepi..qiqiqi

  5. lafarrrrrrrrrr hihihihihi padahal teteup ga bisa liat photone :P

    Ritaaa plzz if u dont mind change from flickr to photobucket otherwise iam not able seing ur beautiful photos :((

  6. beautiful bento as usual. Was it difficult to roll the egg up?

  7. suka ma bentuk kepitingnya..kreatip mbak ;)

  8. kalau soal bento juga nih ibu yg satu ini pinter and crative deh! duh memandang nya diriku ampe geleng2. cantik!

  9. aduh mbak.... inspiring banget, numpang nyomot pic-nya yaaa... kebetulan besok waktunya Nabil trial buat Kelompok Bermain

    btw, salam kenal dari Surabay ya Mbak..


^.^ hi...