Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bento With Chicken Goujons

"Nourish the mind like you would your body.
The mind cannot survive on junk food."

Jim Rohn

bento with chicken goujons

This bento contains : white rice, boiled egg, chicken goujons, broccoli and small container with mayonnaise. On the other box: navel orange, plum, red globe grape, and the treats are pineapple tart (nastar) and jelly gum.

Chicken Goujons
2 big pieces of chicken breast fillet cut into thick strips
2 tbs grated parmesan
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp oregano
50 gr breadcrumb
1 egg beaten

In a bowl, mix together breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, salt , pepper and oregano
Dip the chicken strips into beaten egg then dip them in the breadcrumb mixture
Now, it is your choice you can bake it or either fry it


  1. mauuuuu bentounya cakep bangett mbakkk....:D

  2. wah suka bikin bento ya...
    Aku mo bikin bento utk suami kok ga pernah bisa *susah bangun pagi* hihihi

  3. Hihihi...aku sama kayak Ayin yg gak bisa bangun pagi :D.
    Aku seneng banget ngeliat bento-nya Mbak Rita. Banyak macem-nya.

    Mbak Rita, itu telor kok bisa dibentuk hati & bintang? Giman caranya, Mbak?

  4. Eh salah, bentuk bunga & bintang deng :)

  5. bento-ku = dinner ditumplek ke lunch box aja hahaha, sama sekali ga keren, makanya ga pernah difoto kekeke ancurrrrrr

    chicken goujonnya yg ditancep jerapah itu yah? wah...masakan rita semuanya cocok buat aku nih (i'm a big big kid)

  6. bikin telur rebus yang tengahnya bisa bentuk macam2 itu gimana mbae? mau duonkkkkk...

  7. Wah..klo dibekelin kayak gini terus, bakalan semangat :))

  8. Hi, I was inspired to make a bento for my daughter after I saw your blog. Could you pls tell me where can I buy bento accessories? I have some myself but I thought of buying more. Thanks.

  9. Rit, gimana sih nyetak nasi onigiri supaya bisa padat gitu?

  10. Hi Rita,

    Beautiful bento!! :)

    I'm hosting Wholesome Lunchbox again and would love to see your entry.
    Closing date is 15th of each month, round ups will be posted on 16-17th of each month.
    To learn more, please read this post:
    Enjoy your day,


  11. bento mu ini lucu2 banget Rita, super cute jadi pengen bikin.

  12. wah...baking nya jarang malah alih jadi ahli bento ya Rit? :D seneng banget deh jadi anak2 elo, bentonya cakep!

  13. ember mbak Liz, makanya gue pen daftar jadi anaknya mbak Rita :P. Mbak request dong tolong dipost penampakan buat motong telornya :).

  14. salam,ingin bertanya,cantik banget telurnye itu,ada alatnya ka?

  15. Seger bangedd bento nya... full of fruits.

    Jadi ketularan semangat nya bikin bento, walaupun masih yg sederhana bangedd

  16. ga jadi ngences deh soale potona ga keliatan hehehehe

  17. Yang tanya buat alatnya bikin telur dah aku post ya... Phiuhh...xixixi....

    Rita : iya chicken goujonsnya yang ditancep jerapah xixixi...

    Margot : thanks for your invitation, I'll submit soon

    Eliza : Liz... aku masih baking lo xixixixi..... tapi gak balance ya ma bentonya... abis klo bento tiap weekdays seh

    Lia: wah... sayang deh Li, abis semuanya aku upload via flickr, gimana ya, apa cuman negara kamu ya yang di ban ? *garuk-garuk*


^.^ hi...