Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eggs Machine (Bento's Egg Mold How To)

egg mold

Well here it the egg machine ^_^, simply an instant cute factor on your bento. They also look appetizing on soup or salad. The parts is included molds where you put the white egg and the inserts with those different 4 shapes.

egg mold insert

First things first, spray oil on molds and inserts. If you don't put enough oil, you won't be able to take out the cooked egg ! Separate white egg from yolk. Pour egg whites on the molds, and fit the inserts securely, place in the pan with the water level just as high as the molds. Bring to boil for 15 minutes.

egg machine

When done, remove from water. Take off inserts, beat yolk and pour into egg whites, only 80% full. Bring to boil again about 8 minutes, I prefer to cover the pan with its lid .

Voila.... the eggs come out in better shapes now.
This is way to save my voice from keep telling the kids : "Come on kids...finish your lunch, please...."

Hey friends here some links where you can get this kind of mold and other bento's accessories
- Ebay shop : this link or this, both of them usually sells this mold (but the other link on temporarily closed)
- Daiso : click for the addresses


  1. sippp, lengkap banget bu guru memberikan penjelasan :).

    aku pas beli kemaren di kasih lembaran instruction dalam basa enggres ama yg njual ... tapi tetep ajah percobaan pertama gagal .. putih telurnya blom mateng banget dah penasaran pengen tak angkat ... hehehehe.

  2. They are so cute... Where did you get them, mbak?

  3. oh itu toh rahasia telurnya bisa bagus gitu :) di jakarta ada jualnya di mana yach mbak? pengen jg nich buat bento yg lucu2

  4. Nahhhh.....
    Ini diyah yg ku cari2 mbak....
    Disini ga ada yg jual, kata bunda'e Nadine beli di ebay.

    Lagi kepikiran coba bikin pake cetakan puding yg dari almunium itu. Sepertinya konsep pembuatannya sama

  5. Oooh...I've always wondered how you did those.

    Can you tell me where one would find such a egg mold?


    BTW..I wish I were your kid! I would love a bento like that for lunch :-)

  6. owalaahhhhhh begono toh cara kerjanya...hahahaha...thanks mbak, jadi gak penasaran lagi.

  7. Voila.... the eggs come out in better shapes now.
    This is way to save my voice from keep telling the kids : "Come on kids...finish your lunch, please...."

    hiahahahahaha....ada gak ya alat2 lain yg bisa save my voice from keep telling everything to the kids?

    wooaaaa jadi emak2 emang harus punya segudang sabar dan secuil esmosi.

  8. Bunda Nadine : Iya Yul pertama aku juga dah keburu ngangkat, waktu pertama putih telurnya masih guyur-guyur kekekekkk bosone rek

    Pep : Aku dah update ya, di bawahnya tuh ada linknya

    Hervin : klo accesoriesnya di daiso, tapi klo moldnya aku gak pasti ada ato enggak di Daiso jkt

    Si Rini : wah klo soal creative aku percaya deh ma kamu... paling-paling bisa diakalin juga, kasih tau ya klo berhasil ^_^

    Mellie : hey thanks for stopping here. I updated for some links where to get this stuff. Too bad there is no Daiso in here ^_^

    Dita : ohwww... andai ada alat yang tinggal ce-klick bikin anak langsung denger omongan kita heheh... ada kali di daiso ya ?

  9. so cuteeee!!!! dirimu emak jado deh kalau cari yg cute2 gini.

  10. Dwi: apaan tuh Dwi emak jado xixixxi...

  11. Well, i totally agree with mellie! the bento looked sooo cute.. too cute to be eaten :p hehe~ dont let your kids hear that!
    Your kids and your family would be so spoilt Rita ;)

  12. Thanks rit,..aku jadi punya rencana hunting ke daiso nih weekend ini...kali-kali aja dapat. abis lucu banget sih.

  13. Mbak Ritaaa, makasih banget info-nya. Sejak pertama kali liat bentuk telornya yang lucu2, aku udah penasaran pengen tau gmn bikinnya. Gak taunya emang mesti pake alat to'.

  14. Waaakkss! Waktu liat website-nya Daiso, negara2 Eropa gak ada yg jual produknya Daiso.

    Emang kalo yg kayak ginian, org2 Eropa itu gak kreatip.

  15. Serena :thanks... they got to eat their lunch otherwise when I picked them up from school they gonna act like flat battery xixixix...

    Nia : Enak banget.... disini malah gak ada daiso loh Nia xixixi

    Sheila : *salaman...* sama !! di sini juga gak ada. untungnya ada yg online jadi masih terobati

  16. kapan aku punya kayak gini ya..hikkss..pengennnn

  17. Ellllll.... *tereak * gimana sih el... kamu kan dah tinggal di jepun... tinggal keluar rumah ubek-ubek dapet sudah.... laen banget ma aku yg perlu perjuangan 45 hiahahahah...

  18. Wes..cetakan itu tak kejar deh..he he he..di aussie ada gak mbak?he he he...salam.

  19. thanks yach...saya punya baru sampe 2 hari yl...dah pas dicobain..berhasil tuch..and my girl likes them...

  20. nggak sengaja nyangkut diblog ini dan ada postingan bento yang ada telur yang bentuknya sangat menarik itu. pengen banget tanya karena penasaran...eee, postingan selanjutnya telah menjawab rasa penasaran saya. terima kasih ya mbak

    salam kenal dari tetangga sebelah timur yang banyak dombanya itu lho...hehehe

  21. Mbak Ritaaa, aku baru aja beli cetakan ini dari link Ebay yg Mbak kasih. Thanks banget sharing link-nya, ya. Gak sabar nunggu paketnya dateng.

    Eh iya, kayaknya blogku itu kalo diliat pake Firefox bakal amburadul, Mbak. Aku juga baru tau setelah dibilangin Mbak Rita. Aku pake IE. Ntar aku edit deh layoutannya.

    Thanks ya, Mbak :)

  22. hi..hi..jadi pengin beli mouldnya neh...jadinya cantik and cute banget.

  23. Mbak Ritaaa....mau donk..di Daisho laggeee yah carinya...sip meluncur aaaahhhhh

    Wah si Sheila udah dapet tuh barangnya..hehehe..seneng banget dia....

  24. mba ritaaa... aku dah lama pengen beli bgituan..di daiso sby ngga adaaaaa..hiks hiks..
    udah beberapa kali aku ubek2 tiap ksana..ttp juga ngga ada. belinya dimana lagi dongs..???


^.^ hi...