Monday, November 19, 2007

Summer Shortcut

One of our favorites shortcuts on summer cooking is store bought roast chicken. (Huh ?!!) I know... that's not even called cooking. Usually we have this roast chicken with chilies in sweet soy sauce, or rolled in the bread, sandwich or mix through salad. Well.. Ok...Ok ... that's still not called cooking. Preparing ! ( happy now ?) ^_~

When the weather is extremely hot like today, summer cooking brings dilemma. Too hot to stay near the stove or even too hot to eat. Though I gotta come up with something impressive to my family. Even just a salad. As Melbourne in mango heaven this week I have fridge full of mangoes . We loved mango. Hubby and kids bring diced one for lunch.

our summer shortcut

This Mango chicken salad I made for lunch today. The ingredients you can read it from the picture. It's mango (of course !!), shredded roast chicken, lettuce, and thinly sliced spring onions. The dressing it's just simply mayonnaise with added pepper. If you want lighter version you can make one from low fat yogurt plus Dijon mustard and pepper. And I served it with Turkish pide bread. Well that how I fed my family today ^_^ ..

Turkish pide bread

Mango chicken salad
this portion is for my kids, as they don't like green onions on their salad


  1. wah sama tuch..di sydney juga panas dech.. huh..gerahnya.. sampe2 choc pastenya dr kulkas lumer lagi dech pas dipegang...he.he..

    iyach yach..kalo musim panas gini meningan makan yg seger2 dan ringan2..


  2. You are lucky! I love summer... here is very cold and snowing. You must take lots of picture yah Rita mumpung summer. Love your picture too:)

  3. iya nich baru summer kok udah panas banget, padahal officialnya kan dec ya mba, jadi males masak yang ribet2

  4. I'm so going to try this next week for a lunch! It's great!

  5. udah aku balas di box comment-ku ya mba...

  6. hmmm seger bangett penampakannya mbak


^.^ hi...