Klo ada yang lagi kepanasan atau yang gak kepanasan lagi cari dessert bisa dicoba neh, Chocolate Ice Cream Soda, diambil dari bukunya What’s cooking Chocolate by Jacqueline Bellefontaine….. sluuuurrrrppp… langsung abis deh…
Chocolate Ice Cream Soda
Serves 2
- 5 tbsp chocolate dessert sauce (bisa pakek resep *glossy chocolate sauce, atau Choc dessert sauce botolan atau bisa juga pakek indomilk coklat lho)
soda water
- 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream
- double (heavy )cream, whipped
- dark or milk chocolate, grated
Glossy Chocolate Sauce:
60 gr/2 oz dark chocolate
4 tbsp golden (light corn) syrup
15 gr / ½ oz/ 1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp brandy or rum (optional)
To make the chocolate sauce, break the chocolate into small pieces and place in heatproof bowl with the syrup and butter.
Heat over a pan of hot water until melted, stirring until well combined. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the brandy or rum, if using.
Divide the chocolate dessert sauce into two glasses
Add little soda water to each glass and stir to combine the sauce and soda water.
Place a scoop of ice cream in each glass and top up with more soda water.
Place a dollop of whipped heavy cream on the top, if liked, and sprinkle with a little grated dark or milk chocolate. (Kali ini aku gak pakek whipped cream, lagi keabisan :D, aku kasih meses yang warna-warni biar keliatan ceria meria…)
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