Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Soursop Concoction

es manado

Once time ago on my trip to grocery shopping in Asian market, I stunned my self with a row of a cups with frozen soursop it reminded me back of Caese's posting about Es Manado which was really intriguing me. I planned to make es teler this time, so I bought 3 cups of them and keep it on the freezer for later use. The fact is... it's almost forgotten until we were talking about food from this region, Manado, over the forum. Nice talk gals..

There are other version what's ingredients use in this concoction though. Some like to use avocado some like to put a dice of jelly from agar, I simply like it all white ingredients <^____^>.


I did prepare this fresh fruity drink on the backyard to welcome kids from school and hubby who picked the kids on his way from work. It was really pleasing them. This concoction absolutely a must for this summer.

soursoups dessert

Es Manado

1 cup of soursop seeded process in blender
1 cup of soursop seeded
2 cups young coconut meat with the juice
1 packet of nata de coco
1 can of lychee with the juice
1 cup of water
1/4 -1/2 can of sweet condense milk (or to taste)

Blend all ingredients in large bowl, leave on the fridge before serving.


  1. Pertamax...
    bikinan mbak Rita looks so suegerrr tenan!
    ehmm, bener gak sih mbak Rita nih dari Malang. eeh oh, salah yah?!?

  2. thanks caese, klo aku gak nyasar ke tempatmu... belom tentu aku bikin es manado hahahaha...
    gak salahhh...

  3. belum perna makann..hihi patut di coba, wuiihh bener2 romatis semuaaa..tambah ngiler liatnya

  4. Ngecesss mbakkkk... Pertama ngebayangin fotonya.
    Kedua ngebayangin rasanya... palagi diminum pas panas2 di Oz. Hmmm...

    Niwe pa kabar mbak. Sorriii aku lama banget gak main ke sini. Nyampe Indo jarang ngenet nih mbak :((..

    Melb dah mulai panas mbak...?

  5. aduh aduh jadi pengeeen... disini lg masuk musim sirsat en alpukat, wiih seger bener panas2 gini... the pictures are freshly adorable !

  6. maoooooooo!!! Rita, setiap main ke sini selalu ada permintaan pop-up ads. Dulu aku punya tp datangnya dari statistik atau apa lah widget jd skr aku hapus semua widget, ga pake statistik apaan, pop-up ads nya ilang loh. Kamu pake feedjit barangkali ada script yang nempel di sana khusus buat pop-up ads.

  7. mau....
    haiyaaa sirsak disini kdg ada kdg gak.. yg pasti ada frozennya hikssss

  8. elsye : patut di cuba sye... fresh banget

    miming: sukses di indo ya ming, iya di oz panyasss.. tapi suka tiba-tiba dingiin banget, gak jelas. baju dingin dah dinaekin yaa.. bawa turun lage

    mae: thanks mae

    Arfi: thanks mak sarannya. sekarang aku babat semua, heran nih.. masih ada muncul jg kadang-kadang

    Peppy: haiyaa... lha aku jg pakek frozen hheheheh

  9. hihihi ada sirsat ndak yooo disini...nanti nek ada sikat akhhhh

  10. rita....syikat aza rit... uenak banget nih buat minuman dari pada dimakan gitu aza


^.^ hi...