Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cheese Biscuits

I don't mean to neglect my blog... but boy... from the stay-at-home-mom I switched my self with jam-packed activity schedule; work, school, wider-social life. Both weekdays and weekend. Hopefully it'll ease little bit in the end of August.

I don't mean to neglect this task either. Have you seen some bakers blogged about "Cheese Biscuit" in the last two days ?? yeah... I shall do the same. Do this piece of work assigned by KBB and blog about between 30 to 31 of July.


Here's my result. I separated the dough into two batches and 'played around' with them, (borrowing Greenspan's term). One with chives or known as "kucai" in Indonesia and other dough rolled in pistachio.


This guy helped a lot in the making, from grated the cheese to mixed the dough.

And also credit to my tripod as pictures taken at night, not to forget grandma who brought the kids to bed while I made my self busy with this dough.... wooo..wwooo... are you going to list all the credits ??


I like more in finger shape, the only thing I don't like on this recipe, they don't stay in the shape. Well that's why it says small balls rather than fingers. Lesson learned.


Source: Vogue Australia: Wine and Food Cookbook.

225g grated mature cheese
125g butter
125g flour
cayenne pepper to taste

With finger tips, mix together cheese, butter, flour and cayenne pepper until mixture forms a mass. Butter a biscuit tray. Make small balls of the dough. Roll some in sesame seeds and press on tray, placing them fairly far apart as they will spread while cooking (I didn't read the instruction clearly) . Bake biscuits in pre-heated oven 180C for 15 minutes (... boy... this is too hot, 150celci would be fine). Store in an airtight container.


  1. cheese biscuit-nya cantikkkk banget .. kyk yg bikin :)

  2. kereenn.. jadi kaya lidah kucing:p

  3. Rit, cookies-nya canteek banget. Keren bgt warna-warni fotonya!
    Ngundang kita ngupi2 dong :)

  4. ayune ritttt aku paling doyan yang asin2 hihihik

  5. edian...mendadak wae iso apik begindang. Ayu-ayu men...

  6. mak rita selalu bisa bikin yang laen dr yang laen. pretty, rit!!

  7. Woaa, mbak Rita bener2 kreatip. Kukisnya didandanin jadi cantik. Ttg fotonya, aku gak perlu komentar banyak, kereeeeen!

  8. Duh...kayanya pake kucaiemang tambah gurih yah? photona ukweh deh :)

  9. bener2 cuantiiikkk deh mba..
    sampe terpana nih :)

  10. emang dirimu paling kreatif sulatif selotif klo soal foto n nata makanan. cakep bin keyen foto²nya mak

  11. kekekekek iya kaykanya asik bener ya dibikin kayka lidah kucing, sama dikasih yan gijo2 jadi segerrr.....ngilerrrr

  12. ayune..manise..cakepe..cis biskutnyaa.. penataan makanan yang keren..!
    banyak jempol buat jeng Rita..!

  13. wow..cakep dech biskuitnya... menggiurkan...

  14. adooooooow..yang seiket diatas buat gue ya Rit... sumpee lu..ngencess gue... :p

  15. nah ini dia nih kue yg lain dari yg lainnya. bentuk na itu loh Rita... canteekkkk!!!

    ngerti kok rit, update blog emang rada2 susah kalau jadwal padat. So take an easy and enjoy your life. yg jelas I miss your posts.

  16. finaly we have got you post

    kamu emang TOP chef rit

  17. Waaaaa foto pertama cantiknyaaa..f 1.4 ya Mba? Macro kah lensanya? Cantik..aku selalu suka dengan penataan, properti, kombinasi warna, angle, dll..ciamik! hehe istilah jadul yak!

  18. gorgeous shots :) love your color combination :)

  19. cakep banget biscuitsnya
    segerrr liatnya..

  20. Sounds like you are quite busy! Glad to see you still have time to make tasty treats, though :). Lovely photos, I can't believe you took them at night! You'll have to tell me your secret to taking beautiful photos without sunlight!

  21. Beautiful photos! And who cares whether is it finger or rounds.. it's going into my stomach...

  22. kemana aja Rit? menghilang setelah posting cheese biscuits nih? sibuk ya sekarang, udah kerja?

  23. kerennnn biscuitnya, pesen setoples ya? hehehehhehehe

  24. Such happy colours to it that it can bring a smile to a rainy day. Here is something for you.

  25. These biscuits look so tasty! I already saved this recipe in my favorite list. Thanks for sharing!


^.^ hi...