Monday, February 18, 2008

Bento With Salmon Filled Onigiri

bento with salmon-filled onigiri

Getting hotter again here in Melbourne about 34c today, expected to get another 34c by tomorrow...We manage to get ourselves cool any way. I brought cool drink for
the kids when I picked them up from school. Since they are not allow to bring frozen drink bottle to school. It's pretty much thirst buster.

I prepared their bento on the night before, so I won't stay long in the kitchen in the morning. My kitchen has direct sunlight which is pretty much strong at around 7:30 to 9 o'clock in the morning. AAArrrgg.... stop complaining and you will see happiness right in front of you... ^_^*big smille..* heyheyy....

Today's bento is onigiri stuffed with salmon, frankfurter sausages , Lebanese cucumber with dressing in the tiny bottle, broccoli, cheese wedges and red globe grapes which i took the seed out. Do you know that grape seeds has antioxidant ? I only can eat them little bit... spitted out the rest of them. :P

Speaking of witch, I found something you might interesting in it . It's soo kawaii.. so cute.. Hello Kitty is turning green. Check this. I didn't get good mark on Nihongo, but I think it's the winner of Sanrio's bento box competition. It is a real work or art.


  1. ih..cantik sekali..mau nyontek nich..boleh yach..biasa tukang ngebet nich..he..he..

    blessings ...^_^...

  2. lovely bento..wouldn't mind one for my lunch today! =)

  3. Huuu... Mbak Ritaaaa....
    Kok bisa keren gituh sih bento nya.
    uhuk..uhuk... ajarin donk step2 bikin bento.

  4. bentoouuu..hikkss, jadi pengen mejeng juga ah di blog...:) secara tiap hari bikin tapi ga pernah di poto...thankss mbakk..*muuachh*

  5. ta, kalau di sekolah ada lemari esnya dan microwave gak ya?

    kadang aku pengen nyoba bawa daging2an dan gak masuk kulkas tapi takut rusak.

  6. bentonya nyeni banget Rit, kalau aku sing disangoni rak takpangan eman-eman apik solae. Kok resign dari MP kenapa bu?

  7. Ketemu lagi rit,....makasih ya info daisonya. Aku mulai belajar banyak nih...Bentonya Ibu Rita pokoknya Oke banget.

  8. cute bento... always like Japanese sushi n other rice stuff...they're always to beautiful to eat...Hungry..Hungry..

  9. mbak mbak, kok bikin ngiler dengan bento secara doyan bangett

  10. hehehe with regards to "antioxidant", i remember australian's ads for tea a few years ago. the mom said "tea is good for you. it's got lots of antioxidants", son asked "auntie who?" hahaa bener2 dehhhhh lucuuu

    keren banget mba bentonya, jadi maloe posting bento alias lunch box ku tiap hari ngasal banget hehehe

  11. Halo Rita, boleh ngintip resep bento nya buat bekal anak skolah...

  12. bento everyone ?

    Mochachocolata Rita : wahaa iya... aku jg masih seneng ma iklan ini AUNTIE WHO ?

  13. from rita to rita hehe,

    thx dah mampir ke blogku yah mba...yg jelas sih bukan Auntie Mochachocolata-Rita yg ga baik untuk kesehatan hehe

  14. bentonya top abiss! saya jadi sering ngintip, boleh ya ..., pernak-perniknya lucu banget, mau donk! d jakarta ada tdk?! saya liat d ebay tapi caranya bgmana ya?! krn belum pernah beli lewat ebay,etc. please...please...please infonya


  15. hi..hi... can I have one for my lunch?
    slurp... slurp...

  16. Rita ada pr dr gw disini dikerjain yah kalau gk sibuk hehehe

  17. Regina : di skul sih gak ada micro ato fridge buat student, jadi klo mo aman pakek thermal lunch box, diluarnya. So far aman-aman kok biar bawa daging.

    Vie: check di Daiso dah vie

    Dwi : siap boss, aku kerjain deh ntar


^.^ hi...