Tuesday, October 30, 2007

'Polar Bears Picnic' Cupcakes

My little "old lady" was having a birthday party at her kindy, she was turning 5 !!

There is one thing in kindy that every kids sharing their love for, a little bear called "TIM", they take their turn to bring Tim home together with his nappy bag. Tell story, feed him, change the nappy, wrap him when in cold weather, all things to look after little Tim. Tim is a every kid's baby .

That's where the idea came up to me to make cupcakes with teddy bear on top. The thing is I still can't manage my chocolate modeling, I'm in the search to find good recipe. Anyway bear is not always brown, correct ? Even though I can't work with chocolate modeling paste , I didn't want fondant either. I was enthusiastic jumped straight into my favorite recipe, white chocolate modeling paste, that's pretty easier for me. And here they are polar bears picnic ! Do polar bears have picnic too ? *grins...*

polar bears picnic

Those little accessories made from fondant, the dots for eyes and nose is from dark chocolate. Not much to say folks, enjoy the pictures.

polar bears picnic

polar bears picnic


  1. makasih dah berkunjung ke tempatku,salam kenal mbak....
    cantik bangettt mbak polar bearnya...kan susah ya buat dari coklat modelling...hebat euy...
    mbak boleh aku link gak?

  2. Hi..hi.. finally Mbak, your super duper cute creations come up today....
    Bear nya cute abis...sayang mau dimakan ya...
    minta satu buat Malcolm aja ya...:p
    langsung Hap.. masuk mulut... ^-^

  3. Aduuh..Rit..lucu banget, sayang banget klo langsung di emplok. Kreatif banget deh.

  4. Duhhh mbak.. meuni cute-cute bangett.. kyknya kalo didepan aku sayang dimakan pengennnya buat pajangan :)

  5. Fitta : Hallo Fit..thanks dah mampir kesini. anggap aza kayak maenan sama clay hehehe... Aku tuker link balek jg ya

    Margie, Mbak Retno,Andaliman : hallaahh... tetep aza dimakan ma anak-anak heheheh... tapi capek-capek mulunginnya ilang begitu ngliat anak-anak ngebawa goodie bagnya dengan hati-hati en bangga di kasih liat ke ortunya heheheheh....

  6. Waduuuh ini mah kelas tinggi deh ilmunya. Two tumbs up mba.. suka banget ma kuenya...

  7. Lutuna... Mba aku mau berguru sama Ma Rita doonk, kapan kita kopdar nih?

  8. Gorgeous...wow..cute loch..ajarin yach...

  9. wah....lucu bangeeeettt...sayang dimakannya....
    Pinter banget sih Rit, bikin yang mungil2 gitu....

  10. Oh these are so cute and lovely! They will attract all kids and adults!

  11. rajin sekali kamu Rita...mau dong dibikinin kapan2 :D

  12. hepi bidey ya buat eldest daughternya Rit..muaf telat nih...btw, lagi nyari ide buat kapkek bisa dijadiin reference nih...thanka ya

  13. Daphne,Thata,Elny, Mbak Rita, Eliza,Tigerfish,Inayah : Thanks for your nice comment Friends

    Ti: Hayuh deh kita janjian ^_^

  14. oh, look at these cuties,
    will I get a chance to get something similarly lovely for my Spoonful of Christmas?

  15. Wow beautiful cakes I love those polar bears they are brilliant. :)

  16. excelent, two thumbs deh ama ibu yg satu ini serba bisa ^_^

    apa kabar Rit?? kangennnn deh ngintip resep2 mu

  17. "kakak mau ini.....bagus yaaa....", gitu komentar anakku, bocah blm genap 2 thn sambil nunjuk2 si polar bear buatan mb rita.....:)

    pakabar mb? kangennnnnnn...

  18. wohohohoh, itu para beruang yang lagi ngadep belakang aduhai bodinya, kekeke... pengen nyubit :D

    keren mbakkk!!!

  19. saluutttt itu teddy bears baguuuuusss bangeettt..

    coklat modelling lg, gak kebayang dweehhh...

  20. Hi..Rita..lagi mau cobain figure-an pake "White chocolate modeling paste"..Berapa lama sich kita simpan di fridge? dan bagaimana cara menyimpannya yg terbaik?..chocolate modeling ini bisa dimakan gak? dimusim panas meleleh gak sich?..soalnya minggu dpn my girl's b'day..jadi mesti mulai bikin figure-annya dulu nich..thanks and blessings,

  21. kupikir di jakarta... pengen minta dia ajarin huhuhuhu....


^.^ hi...