Rockin' girl blogger seems to have started from here. And spread all over the world. And now I got to pick other girls to keep this award going. And the award goes to:
- Eliza Adam of notes from my food diary
- Yulia of mamakintan belajar masak
- Yuli of bunda's corner
- And all girl bloggers (^_^)
well back to kitchen...
It's strawberry sessions here... just like a lady wearing hot red dress, this dessert looks sexy with its topping. Don't you agree ?
The recipe is my contribution for Monthly Foodies Multiply #7 with cheese theme for last August.
Strawberry Cheesecake Slice
bahasa version click here
150 gr wholewheat or digestive biscuit
100 gr butter,melted
1 tbs sugar
3 tbs strawberry jam
250 gr cream cheese, room temperature
80 gr sugar
100 ml sour cream, room temperature
2 eggs
2 tbsp corn flour
1 tbsp lemon zest
1/2 tsp salt
vanilla powder
1 packet ready to use jelly strawberry flavored -->it has sugar in it. Reduce the amount of water to make a thick jelly.
Chantilly cream or whipped cream
cake tin:
square tin 19 x 19 cm
Preheat oven, Brush a 19 cm square baking pan with butter. Line bottom and two sides with a strip of parchment paper, leaving a 5 cm overhang on the two sides.
Place crushed biscuit and sugar in a large bowl, stir until well combined. Pour melted butter over crust mixture and mix until evenly moistened. Press mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared pan. Refrigerate until firm.
Beat the cream cheese with electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy, about 2 minutes, scraping down sides as needed, add sugar, salt and lemon zest mix until smooth. On low speed add eggs, one at a time, add corn flour, beating until just combined, do not over mix.
Spread 3 tbsp of strawberry jam evenly over base. Pour cream cheese mixture onto base.
Bake for 25 minute on 160°C (325°F)
Allow cake to completely cool. Remove from tin. Make jelly mold by wrapping the cake with 2 layers of foil leaving 3 cm on the top, secure with sticky tape. Set aside.
Prepare jelly mixture, leave until slightly cool and thickened. Pour slightly thick jelly, over the cake. Refrigerate until overnight or until set
Slice cheesecake and decorate with cream and strawberries
thanks Rita! udah lama banget gak blogwalking nih sejak kerja jadinya ketinggalan baca cerita sana sini ;P baik sekali hatimu, bisa2nya kasih aku award hehehe...
ReplyDeletecheesecake-nya cantik dan rapih sekali, itu motongnya gimana supaya gak ada bekas merah2nya sama sekali?
Seperti biasanya...kue-kuenya Rita selalu cantiiikkk banget. Aku baru nyobain bikin cheese cake yg nggak di oven, kapan-kapan pengen nyobain juga resep yg ini.
ReplyDeletembak Rit... udah sembuhhh yahh
ReplyDeleteaku mau itu CCnya, cantik buangettt
wah.. cantik mba... mau nih kalo dikasih heheh.. pengen bikin euy tapi tie mah jelimet mba bahasanya hihiiii hadinya takut salah nih, request mba mau dong di terjemahin resepnya ;)) hehe makasih banyak mba btw rumah baru juga yah seger...
ReplyDeleteRita, ni pake loyang yang bongkar pasang juga gak ya ? kalo emang enggak, cara ngeluarin cakenya gimana ..? TQ sebelonnya.
ReplyDeletethose cake really sexy and scrumptius!!! minta 5 potong yah, satu ga cukup soale hehehehehhehe... ajarin dunk motong supaya rapi begitu, kalo aku dah belepotan ;)
ReplyDeleteadudududu... tenkgyu so much mbak Rita... ku tak menyangka... :D
ReplyDeletesemoga dalam masa jabatan saya ini, saya bisa mengemban tugas sebaik2nya *baru kepilih lurah apa gimana nih? wakakak...
aku udah estafetin di blogku, makasih banyak yaaa :)
Eliza en Lia: itu cheesecake motongnya cuman pakek pisau roti aza kok, lagi pulak jellynya dibikin kental, pas diiris gak jatuh ke bagian cheesecakenya ^_^
ReplyDeleteM Retno: thanks.. cheesecake yang unbake yang aku bikin cuman tiramisu heheh... laennya belom pernah, selalu di bake.
Andaliman: Alhamdulillah aku dah sembuh nih. Eh aku dah dapet lo lemongrass frozen, seneng deh ^_^
Tie: versi bahasa ada di MP hehehe...thanks ya Tie dah mampir sini
Teh Ina: Ini seh aku pakek loy.bongkar pasang yang persegi. Tapi klo gak ada bisa pakek loyang biasa dialasin parchment paper trus ditambahin lagi dua potong kertas panjang yang sampe ditekuk diatas loyang, biar gampang ngangkatnya.
Teh ngertikan ?? xixixi... maksa ..
Yulia: Yullll.... you deserve it girl... eh... bu lurah heheheh...
huaaa .. mbak rita, thankss awardnya ... tapina blum sempet apdet nie ... ntar abis ultah nadine sekalian ajah .. hehehe.
ReplyDeleteitu stroberi cizkeik-nya bener2 menggoda ... kalo ada nadine-ku pasti tuh langsung ludes .. hehehe
Duh duh Mba, slalu deh ngeces liat photo2 disini. Anyway, Met Menjalankan Ibadah Puasa Mba, Mohon Maaf Lahir n Batin yaaa..
ReplyDeleteaduuh...coba yaa...ini, bukanya pas hari pertama puasa, siang2....^-^
ReplyDeletembak Rita, emang habis sakit yaa...??Maaf ini sampe ngga tahu...udah jarang banget..buka2 blog/bw.
met menjalankan ibadah puasa yaa..mohon maaf lahir dan batin
halo Rita, thanks d mmpir, aku lg puasa, liat stroberi cheese cake...gluk..gluk..hehe..astafirullah...*ngiler.com*, mau bikin, kok gk sempet2, mo beli kayanya kurang nendang gitu...gimana, anak2nya sehat!!
ReplyDeletekuenya cantik banget.... kayaknya kok susah yah, buatnya?
ReplyDeletemaunya ish tinggal makan aja...hehehehe
Rita, bagi dong....???? uenaak tuh....
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ReplyDeletehi there rita! Stumbled here and love it! lovely looking strawberry slice and the one-bowl cupcakes looked great too.
ReplyDeleteadduuuhhh mana tahan deh mbak cantik sekali kuenyaaaa.....
ReplyDeletembak apa bisa ya basenya diganti semacam sponge cake gitu, biar lbh gampang kali ngeluarin dr cetakannya.
soalnya bongkarpasangku yang round...
mbak.. udha lama gak posting....
ReplyDeletelg dikumpulin ya semua foto kue2 & makanan nya yg yummy2...
hi..hi... nanti sekali di post.. pasti semua nya bikin ngiler....
Hi there you have a great blog,lovely recipes. Feel free to visit my blog too :)
ReplyDeleteJeena xx
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