Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wingko Babat

If you wondering what I'm doing now, I might in the kitchen making this kinda coconut cake as part of my customer order. Every time I make this cake the smell of coconut filled the kitchen and there will be another order from hubby.... lol...
This cake is a form of combo of sweetness and coconut. Here's the recipe that I promised to some of you ^_^

Ini resep yang ala ndeso tradisional banget, gak pakek telur and butter

500 gr glutenous rice flour
500 gr grated coconut ( you may find it in a frozen section in Asian Grocery)
600 ml coconut milk
270 gr sugar
1 tsp salt

Put coconut milk in the saucepan bring to boil. Set aside let it cool mix in grated coconut.
On the medium bowl add flour, sugar, salt add coconut mixture mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into greased square tin. Bake about 40 minute or until golden brown in both side.
It's best cut and served after the next day.

wingko babat


  1. pasti bakalan gue praktekin nih,fans berat wingko..
    ntar i laporan kalo jadi..

  2. waduh.. fotonya bikin ngiler dech.. jadi tambah bikin pulang indo cepet2 dech ...^_^...
    btw kelapa parutnya boleh pake yg kering gak yach?? ...^_^...

  3. Foni: klo ovennya gak bisa merata ditebalikin aza gantian yg bawah dioven

    El : di asian grocery banyak tuh yang frozen lebih enak, dari pada yang kering

  4. Waaah, ini die yang ditunggu-tunggu. Aku cek imel kok belum muncul2 ternyata dimari tho. Suwun yo mbak.

  5. Hai mbak Rit..
    nyontek resepnya yaa..aku penggemar berat wingko nih..:D
    mbak, spy atasnya kecoklatan gitu apakah hrs pake api atas?

  6. vivi: dimari aza ^__^

    mindy : recommended ndoel sayang

    arta: tergantung ovennya seh kebetulan ovenku api atasnya bagus, jadi aku kasih api atas, trus buat yg bawah, begitu matang dibalik trus aku oven lagi pakek api atas. jadinya atas bawah warnanya sama, selamat nyuba ya

  7. awesome cakes and buns, awesome pictures,
    awesome works....
    must be bookmarked ;)

  8. nyam nyam.. aku doyan yg rasa coklat.. boleh lempar ke the peg mbak :D

  9. Mbak Rita, salam kenal. saya cobain resep wingko nya..thanks. saya link boleh ya?

  10. pengen bikin nich winko babat...cantik lho wingkonya. Saya pernah bikin, cuma engga secantik ini :(

  11. Hello! What is the temperature for the oven to make this? Thank you!

    1. hi Liang thanks for stopping by.. the temperature was170 deg celc aprox 45 minute. if you want it even more brown after oven, set it under grill until look golden brown then flipped and grill the bottom part too.

  12. coba di grill biar agak kecoklatan ros


^.^ hi...