Thursday, January 31, 2008

My First Bento

I've always amazed with how Japanese homemaker to spend their time producing such appealing bento or lunch box. Turn the cartoon character into tasteful lunch box, it's just amazing job. For me to go that kind of level, it's not event my dream. :D However, what they've done to make kids can't wait for recess time to have their lunch or to be curious what kind of lunch they brought from home, that's what inspired me to make impressive lunch for my kids.

This's my first bento making, I prepared on their last school holidays for our day trip to Melbourne zoo. Those accessories I bought from online shop through wondrous of ebay. Later on I just realized that those animal picks was really match with the zoo theme. ^_^

first bento

That ebi furai actually didn't fit with this pack, so I put in different container, for the family size, since one never enough, complete with small container for the sauce.

first bento2

nugget bento

For Bella's first day to school, I was wondering how much rice she can eat at school as she always refuse to bring rice to school. I prepared only one and half molded yellow rice. I used jelly mold to form the rice. Accompanied with chicken nuggets and small size of carrots. It's so simple. Can't dig my creativity in the morning.

friendship snackbox

Nadia has started to go to same school with her big sister. And it's only 3 hours, for her first school day. So I made this simple friendship snack box.


And finally.. this sandwich I prepared this morning for Bella, I only had few minutes to prepared until took Bella to school. Yeah I woke up late. Thankfully Nadia is off, and back to school again tomorrow.

basket pattern bento


  1. i love this post .. :) aku juga lagi tergila2 ama bento2an mbakk ...

    mbak rita ini memang dahhh ... so inspiring :) ...

  2. cari inspirasi yg yahud disini bun

    aku seh pemule... belom ape-ape...*idung kembang kempis*

  3. pernah buka e-obento .. kagak ngarti bahasane .. jadi jalan2nya pindah ke sini : ama ke sini: trus sekarang nambah satu lagi ke tempat Mbak Rita :)

  4. helo...
    waduh, bagus banget bentonya....
    jadi ngiler neh....
    bagi donk....

  5. Mbakkkkk

    Cantik-cantik bener bento nya

  6. Wuihhh cantik tenan. Apa kabar Mba Rita? Lama tak bersua..

  7. waah cantik2 sekali, pasti anak jadi lebih suka makannya.

  8. wah rit, mantap deh bentonya. btw, kalo bikin bento yg dibentuk2 gitu, banyak buang bahan gak ya?

    tu garpu sendok cute banget deh..

  9. Rita, gw didepan kompi nih ama si Nate dia teriak2 jerapah jerapah! pengen di kiss kompi gw LOL. halah ini bento lucu amat sih

  10. Aduh ibu Rita dikau memberiku semangat untuk buat lunch box deh...
    habis tiap pagi kudu nyiapin 3 lunch box kebayang nggak sih bingungnya nyari ide. rajin banget sih...ampuun deh

  11. Hi...dirimu mememberiku inspirasi buat bikin Lunch box princess kecilku,aku suka binggung...mau dibekalin apa ya....thx...n i love it. Apalagi klu bgn kesiangan..berabe..musti cepet3...hehehe..salam kenal ya mbak...

  12. Kalo lunch modele cantik begini, yahuuddd pasti abis nih bekal anak2...

    Thanks ya mbak buat sharing idenya...

  13. mba, lutu bener itu bento'na...!!beli dimana pernak perniknya? BTW, kok ya sempet2nya sih pagi2 masih ngantuk2 bikin ini itu..Thumbs Up !!

  14. Waaaoowww bentonya kerennn....aku yg tinggal di jepun aja nggak punya cetakan2 kayak yg mbak Rita pake...Juga nggak kepikir bikin bento cantik kayak gini...^-^

  15. Wah baguuusss banget deh presentasinya....TOP BGT...Rit U memang oke kok....bener2 talented..seneng lho jalan2 di blogmu en lihat hasil karyanya....
    kapan ya aku bisa seperti dirimu...???? hehehehehe....

  16. thanks friends for your lovely comments ! toss !


^.^ hi...