Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ayam Pelalah


I'm compiling my recipes which goes to girls lunch box. while preparing for dinner it'll be nice to have some extra on the freezer, simply timesaver for the "get ready routine" in the morning. Here's one of them, Ayam Pelalah, or Pelalah Chicken.

Ayam Pelalah is Balinese gourmet of shredded chicken cooked in yellow spice, lime and chili. The steps involved barbecuing method to get the original taste. With unfriendly weather I made a shortcut with my own way. Cook in simmering pot with salt and kaffir lime leaves, before adding spice paste. It still has delicate flavors, really !

You can add up more chillies to get the whole package of sensation. Since my girls can't handle this kinda hot, so today I skip this. Anyway I prepared the sambal, the authentic Asian hot chili sauce on dinner, for the grown up.


Here is the recipe:
Ayam Pelalah (Click for Bahasa version)

500 gr breast fillet skin off
3 pc kaffir lime leaves
100 ml Chicken broth

1 stalk of big size of lemongrass stems bruised and chopped into 4 pieces
1 slice greater galangal (laos)
1 slice lesser galangal (kencur, I used powder)
2 long red chillies sliced ( I skipped this today)
1/4 cup of lemon juice

Spice paste:
7 shallot or 1 medium brown onion
5 cloves of garlic
7 pc of candle nut
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 medium size of tomato, diced
3 tsp sugar
salt to taste

In medium pan simmer breast fillet with salt and kaffir lime leaves, with water just enough to cover chicken. After cooked through reserve the broth and shred meat with fork.

In a frying pan, saute spice paste over moderate heat, add remaining ingredients stirring often until fragrant. Add shredded chicken and 100 ml broth, turn the heat low. Stir occasionally until all liquid absorbed.@bellnad


  1. akhirnya si ibu ini mosting juga. dah berhari2 mejeng di flickr hehehehe. gw peserta pertama dpt sepiring gk? Ini ayam kek nya enak dimakan ama nasi uduk. YUmmy!

  2. ini emang enak n gampang pula bikinnya. minggu lalu bikin tapi keburu abis sebelum difoto :D

    sendoknya menggiurkan euy

  3. Dwi : kagak ada piring dwi... tuh di cungkir...apaseh namanya pincuk hahaha

    Mindy: Iya Ndoel yang penting lagi bisa masuk bekal anak-anak. Bisa pakek sandwich...
    Sendoknya nyari kemana-mana ternyata nemunya di toko deket rumah...:(

  4. Iya nih. Aku udah sering cek blog Mbak Rita, tapi selalu disuguhin Jam Drops-nya :D.
    Wah, mbak Rita bikin blog ttg Bento ya? Aku link yaaa...

  5. wah ada yg baru nih untuk dicoba kikiki...aku selalu seneng pitixxxxx

  6. kayaknya gampang bow bikinnya yummy pulaa.,..asikk asikkk..tar gue coba ya mbakk..tengkkiyuuuu

  7. Ayamnya bikin ngeces...udah liat fotonya di flickr...liat diblog tambah ngeces deh:)

  8. Rit, kalo itu bukan piring, tapi cungkir dibikin dari apa? bambu?

  9. sheilla : iya nih shel jam drops yang disini gak abis-abis...lumayan buat suguhan terus heheehehe... aslinya seh dah gak berbekas

    Rita : sama Rit.... keluargaku juga petok-petok hahahah...

    elsye : gampang emang El... coba dweh

    Manyaro : thanks say... ini nih tissuenya... biar ngecesnya gak ke keyboard heheheheh

  10. yum yum mau dong...happy mother's day ya...di kasih surprise apa sama anak2? he..he..

  11. Eliza: Gak tau dweh bahannya apa, aku beli dah jadi. kayunya halus empuk kayak balsa tipis, tapi aku rasa itu bukan balsa

    Evi: Dapet macem-macem vi heheh.... lucu-lucu, mereka belinya di stand mothers day di skulnya, termasuk sendok kayu yang dah dicoret moret ma sma mereka ^__^

  12. huhuhuhu cuman bisa ngiler aku musuhan ama lemon juice punya maag parah :((


^.^ hi...